HorseRack - Model Horse Display Rack | FREE SHIPPING | Breyer | Peter Stone
HorseRack - Model Horse Display Rack | FREE SHIPPING | Breyer | Peter Stone
- PROTECT: It takes years to build the perfect collection, and seconds to lose it.
- WORRY FREE: Table bumps and domino events are a thing of the past when your models are protected.
- SHOWING ADVANTAGE: Setup and teardown at shows in seconds, Effortless to adjust, Lightweight and Compact for Travel
- GREAT VALUE: Each rack holds six models
HorseRack - Protect your model horses
Even if you are the most careful person in the world with your model horses, likely you have experienced or will experience a tip or damaging fall.
HorseRack was designed specifically to protect your herd from this.
A great value, each rack holds six horses.
Protect Your Herd!
Soft, dye free tubing separates horses from each other preventing
Plastic construction at the base reduces the risk of damaging rubs on feet (vs metal)
Showing Advantage!
More space on the table saves time and frustration and allows you
to organize your show string.
Lightweight and easy to transport yet extremely sturdy (vs metal or wooden)
Racks collapse down to a very small size for transport
to/from shows. Even the divider posts can be removed for travel.
Focus on classes instead of worrying about domino events!
Even Better At Home
Avoid thinning your herd, maximize space on shelves. Protect those
models at home too, bumping a shelf is no longer a concern when
horses are in a HorseRack.
Multiple Sizes:
From stablemate to chunky traditional drafters, we have sizes available.
New - Crystal Green SM!